Its that time of year again in good ol' Springfield-- The Illinois state fair is back. I can't think of a better way to drop hundreds of dollars, gain forty pounds in a week and freak.. Err... I mean people watch. Which is why I'm dedicating today's blog: The Top 3 Likes and Dislikes of the State Fair. Hope you enjoy! ;)
Like 1: The state fair parade has always been a tradition in my family. Every year, my whole family would gather at my grandmothers house to watch the parade. As kids, my cousins and I would snatch up candy then make our way down to the fairgrounds to ride some rides, watch fireworks and eat. For the past three years, I have been able to share this experience with baby angel número uno, Caden Mathew. This year Harper was able to enjoy the loud sirens, music and people walking by.
Like 2: Food, food and more food. Who wouldn't enjoy a large amount of delicious calories? The fair offers an awesome variety of food, from jumbo corndogs to fried twinkies. I am always willing to drop nearly ten dollars on my favorite fair food, pork kabobs. Even though it's expensive, it sure is worth it.
Like 3: The state fair offers a variety of rides for kids of all ages. For the past two years, I have been able to watch Caden enjoy rides. From motorcycles to bumper cars, there is never a dull moment watching a three year old having a blast. Brings up childhood memories.
Which brings me to my favorite subject-- my top three dislikes about the fair. Honestly, I could talk all day about what I dislike; but I will just leave you with these three thoughts to consider next time you go out to the fair.
Dislike 1: Clothing is not optional, and when they say put SOMETHING on, that usually means clothes that fit. Just saying...
When has it EVER been fashionably acceptable for a larger woman to wear leggings as pants? Never. Ever ever ever. My children do not want to see every curve of your gloriousness. If I wanted them to see a freakshow, I would take them to a circus.
Dislike 2: Not once has "Hey! I have an idea! Let's go out to the fair to fight someone, that away we can make fools of ourselves and get thrown out!" ever popped up in my mind. Leave the drama at home. Please.
Dislike 3: I don't know how many times I've walked by someone and thought to myself, "Dear sweet baby Jesus! Do you bathe yourself in dog shit?". Personal hygiene should NEVER be an issue; you should know you have an issue if I can smell your musty armpits over the smell of any food out at the fairground. That is just disgusting. Go home, shower, then return to whatever chaos you were creating.
So there you have it! My top three likes and dislikes about the Illinois State Fair. So what are your top three likes? Top three Dislikes?

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